All weekend we rode, I must admit it was great, the first day was a pre-ride, and Stevi came along, I had my IPOD on and a smile on my face as I watched her pink hair peek out from under the helmet. She always turns around to blow me a kiss or send me a smile as we are riding. Someday I fear that will change. Then Sunday back at it but with a deadline, Willows 3rd birthday party, at 4:00, we rolled up to my sisters house at exactly 4 and as Auntie Beautiful rushed inside to give Willow a hug, she looked at me as if I were an alien, then I realized how crazy I must look with all the dead bugs stuck to me, no make-up and road grime from head to toe, not to mention helmet hair with a skull cap on with a skull and crossbones and black leather from head to toe. Uh....did someone call for Auntie Beautiful? I think I left her at home, after a few minutes she did recognize me and give me a shy hug....not sure if I stunk or was so hideous she was just being polite. As we got home, I got to finish as many chores as I could as I hobble around, (I think my Tylenol Arthritis wore off a long time ago). Only 8 loads of laundry to go and many many more household chores.....I hope I finish in this lifetime, Oh well I got to enjoy the beautiful weather with my wonderful family this weekend, something I don't always get to do, as a very wise and wonderful woman once told me, "The housework will always be there Dear", and so it is.......
Sunday, April 29, 2007
Rode my ass off.....................
All weekend we rode, I must admit it was great, the first day was a pre-ride, and Stevi came along, I had my IPOD on and a smile on my face as I watched her pink hair peek out from under the helmet. She always turns around to blow me a kiss or send me a smile as we are riding. Someday I fear that will change. Then Sunday back at it but with a deadline, Willows 3rd birthday party, at 4:00, we rolled up to my sisters house at exactly 4 and as Auntie Beautiful rushed inside to give Willow a hug, she looked at me as if I were an alien, then I realized how crazy I must look with all the dead bugs stuck to me, no make-up and road grime from head to toe, not to mention helmet hair with a skull cap on with a skull and crossbones and black leather from head to toe. Uh....did someone call for Auntie Beautiful? I think I left her at home, after a few minutes she did recognize me and give me a shy hug....not sure if I stunk or was so hideous she was just being polite. As we got home, I got to finish as many chores as I could as I hobble around, (I think my Tylenol Arthritis wore off a long time ago). Only 8 loads of laundry to go and many many more household chores.....I hope I finish in this lifetime, Oh well I got to enjoy the beautiful weather with my wonderful family this weekend, something I don't always get to do, as a very wise and wonderful woman once told me, "The housework will always be there Dear", and so it is.......
Monday, April 23, 2007
Blemishes, Blemishes
I am going to be 39 on July 1st yet I still break out. We all we went to a Hairshow this weekend so I brought spackle for my new friend that is hanging out on my chin. I must not have done to well because by the end of the weekend, I had people talking to it like it was a microphone and I was a news reporter. As if I am not self conscious enough about it, oh well, so I named it Madeline and she at least could hold our place in line while I went to go buy Madeline a ticket so she could get into the Hairshow also. Kind of like a large person who is forced to buy another seat on an airplane I suppose. She enjoyed herself I think she may still hang around with me for awhile, I've been trying to get rid of her, but she can't really take a hint I guess. Oh well............
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
This is my 10 year old Stevi at Halloween. She also has to wear make-up when she does a dance recital and I will admit, I have put a little on her for picture day, very subtle of course. But when is it time? When I was growing up, alot of girls wore make-up in 6th grade (average age 11) I didn't until I was 12, but I do remember being unpopular and a bit jealous of those "cool" girls. My daughter will be 11 in November and she has been asking me when she can wear a little and how to apply it. At first I said "No, not till 7th grade!" Then I went to her program at school and I would say 40% of the 5th graders had on make-up, including eyeliner and mascara! So I polled my clients today and they say that is normal now-a-days. Am I old fashioned or ucool? I always swore I would keep up with the times, I would say out of all my clients with girls about 80% today said a little lip gloss and eyeshadow is fine for 5th grade, 6th is normal for mascara and eyeliner! Help, is that right?! I don't want Stevi to feel uncool but I am so confused.........This picture has ALOT of make-up on of course for costume purposes.. do you think subtle glitter and lipgloss is ok?
Sunday, April 15, 2007
In Three Words (stolen from Shelf)
WHERE IS YOUR CELL PHONE: ironing board upstairs
BOYFRIEND: I married him
HAIR: dresser and styler
MOTHER: Is my mentor
FATHER: waiting in heaven
FAVORITE ITEM: harley davidson deluxe
YOUR DREAM LAST NIGHT: bought new house
FAVORITE DRINK: cinnamon dolce latte
DREAM GUY: helps with housework
THE ROOM YOU ARE IN: the kitchen downstairs
YOUR FEAR: losing loved one
WHERE YOU WANT TO BE IN 10 YEARS: simplifying my life
WHAT ARE YOU NOT: young, lazy, rich
ARE YOU IN LOVE: I'm still married
WHAT TIME IS IT: 1:31 pm Sunday
LAST THING YOU DID: Argued with Stevi
WHAT ARE YOU WEARING: pajamas and Bathrobe
FAVORITE BOOK: still "Watership Down"
LAST THING YOU ATE: Veggie Pita, Fries
YOUR LIFE: is too busy
YOUR MOOD: mellow and somber
YOUR FRIENDS: are wonderful people
YOUR SUMMER: timeshare in Tahoe
WHATS ON YOUR TV SCREEN: ha ha, nascar
LAST TIME YOU LAUGHED: two seconds ago
LAST TIME YOU CRIED: just cried yesterday
SCHOOL: of hard knocks
Tag your it...................................
Saturday, April 14, 2007
Death and Taxes
"Nothing is as sure as death and taxes". That is the saying anyways, sometimes death comes before we expect it and sometimes we owe alot more than we expect. But we go on, as depressing as it may be, always pay your taxes and compliments to those you love. You never know when you may get a refund! I believe that if you always tell the people in your life what is in your heart, you will live without regret and know that if, God forbid, when it is time for them to go, they will always know that you loved them unconditionally, as we should. I always told my Dad I loved him and when it was time, he knew and said he had no regrets in life. I hope that when it is my time to go, all my loved ones will think of me with a smile on thier faces and remember me for my kind words as well as some of the crazy things that have happened to me in my life. (Those who know me, know what I am talking about). Well unfortunately Tax day is upon us, so I need to go......But in closing, I love you all, and for those of you going through a hard time, whether you have lost a loved one recently or owe way more money than expected.....just pay your taxes and call the ones you love, and tell them why you love them, it may make you or them smile!! Smooches
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