When you have been with the same person for 26 years, sometimes you start to question......Why am I here? I have to constantly remind my husband that I am still here, that I am a woman, that I have needs. Women like romance, a gentle touch, a kind word, consideration, communication. Why are we cut from two different molds? I have been a hormonal mess lately, I know it could be that. Or is it that at age 42, I just don't feel like I have to put up with anyones crap anymore? It is kind of a good place to be, and not. My whole life I have been trying to make sure everyone around me is happy, comfortable. I have always put myself last, as most women do. Who is going to make sure I am ok? The only person who will is me. So I am working on it. It has been an emotional month, talking and discussing what I want, need and desire to be happy. Weird thing, he agreed with everything I said....EVERYTHING. He wants to work on our relationship as bad as I do.....but I am so exhausted from being the only one who tries to make sure everything is o k. The ball is in his court.......I am going to focus on me. Selfish? Maybe........About Damn Time? Probably...........Will this make our relationship stronger? I hope so........I'm just tired.