Drinking can and has ruined many marriage's, I know this from first hand experience. It almost ruined mine. I hear it day in and day out as my clients rotate throughout the day. One of my best friends is going through a divorce because of a lot of reasons, most of them fueled I believe by alcohol, not on his end. He has been going through the ups and downs for quite awhile now, sometimes you hold on to anything you can to try to save it, but the thread gets thinner and thinner until it eventually brakes. I am going to call this friend "Will". Enter my new friend "Jackie" Super sweet, beautiful, divorced a lot in common with Will, including alcoholism ruining a once happy marriage. Introduced Will to Jackie and they hit it off immediately. Will and Jackie are in the same age range, single parents, attractive, physically and emotionally. She shy, sweet and kind. He a hopeless romantic, thoughtful, considerate and very loving. Both, adoring hand on parents. Perfect. One problem. Things were going great, however, Will, not being much of a drinker, couldn't wait to see Jackie so after having a couple of strong drinks, I feel to ease his nerves, made the mistake of rushing to see her, not able to wait until their date the following evening. Jackie immediately pumped the brakes and put a halt to any further flirtations. Caution on her part due to her previous relationship with an alcoholic. Can't say I blame her. I would do the same thing, HOWEVER, Will is a complete mess now, he knows he screwed up a possibly incredible relationship with this wonderful lady because of what he did. I can definitely see both sides and having many heartfelt conversations with Will regarding our state of affairs with our spouses because of alcohol, I know how much he hates the disease as much as I do and as much as Jackie does. She's scared and he really screwed up a good thing that was just beginning to blossom. How does he now make her see he is not "that guy" and "the guy"? I think they could have something extremely incredible. I only set people up that I feel would blend together perfectly and have set many people up in the past who are now and still are married. What should Will do? Any suggestions?