Due tonight at midnight? No problem... I think... this isn't my first Rodeo. I go through this EVERY tax season. I guess according to the news last night I am in that 25% group of Americans who wait until the last minute. I had great intentions this year. In the beginning I started logging in all bank statements and receipts in the beginning of the year, once a week. Apparently that lasted until February 16th, 2011. Now I have waited so long, and I closed my bank account so I had to download all my statements and manually enter everything. I am only putting in business related entries. At this point why wouldn't I. This is day 2 and I am about half way there, however in the meantime, Stevi has been home the last 2 days with a stomach problem, I need to call the Dr. and see if he will send her prescriptions in before her follow up appointment since we can't get in to see him until May 2nd, and ask him if I can get her something over the counter such as Pepto Bismal to help her. Like all other teenagers, since she was feeling better and thought she was miraculously cured, she quit taken her medicine and I think she ate something she is still at least intolerant to, no hives but nausea and other things I'm not allowed to mention about her because it's embarrassing.....
Laptop |
Hairdresser filing system and office.........
As you can see.......I am very organized and I am on July of last years bank statements , then I need to sift through my receipts and enter all cash receipts that are pertinent.......HELP!?
PS I miss you Dad!
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