I try to get my workouts in whenever I can, at least 3 days a week, and now with trying to train to run, which I count as a completely
separate workout, it is difficult. I went to the gym at lunch on Thursday and took the Express Circuit class which the instructor, Melanie, has to choice of work-outs. She decided on "Fight Club" which is punching and kicking, elbowing and body checking heavy bags. I don't know why but I have always felt good getting aggression out that way. The bags we were using are called wave runners and they are filled with water, on a stand, so not only are they heavy, they can come back at you. For 45
mins, we had to do a series of jabs, upper cuts, hooks, kicks, round houses etc. I got into it. I was the only one in class without a partner so Mel teamed up with me, well obviously the competition was on. She is my sisters age, younger than me, she actually went to school with my sister and had a baby with Kyle
Lundgren who she knows as well. So knowing her, I couldn't let her see any weakness. It was on. I was
definitely moving the bag. My whole body hurt the next day and today I am just as sore. That was probably the best workout I have ever gotten. I had gloves on, and both of my hands, the knuckles are bruised. I also hurt my ankle doing a series of round houses. I moved that bag around the floor so much I had to switch sides to keep it on my side of the room. It felt so good, but unfortunately, I was going to run right afterward and my legs were so warn out I couldn't run and the next day my ankle hurt, so I am listening to my body, and taking more days off. I still feel it, and my client who has 2 sons that run for Nike told me not to run because I will hurt myself. I am listening and laying low. Hopefully tomorrow I can run, I am actually craving it, the runners I have spoken to told me this would happen and they were right. If I can run tomorrow, I will start week 4 which is walking for 2
mins, then running for 5 mins. repeated 4 times and getting 4 runs in in a week. For all you women out there, kick that
cardio kickboxing to the curb and get a heavy bag...........it's an amazing full body and
cardio workout, you will be sore!
You did not vote for Obama, you voted against McCain
Oh my goodness, Lisa! I go up and down my stairs a few times a day and I'm exhausted! You are awesome!
You tell Steve Ballmer that you (and our whole family) voted FOR Obama!
Steve Ballmer, you commented on the wrong blog post. ;-)
WTG Lisa! I wish I could get my butt back into the gym. Maybe someday... Tell Melanie I said hi!
Please read what I said carefully and think about it, you apparently didn't understand it.
Oh, we understood. We voted against McCain, but really, we voted FOR Obama. It wouldn't have mattered who was running against him. Now the previous election? I voted AGAINST Bush, not FOR Kerry. Kabish?
I thought it was kappish?
Ok kids don't make me stop this car!
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