I am a registered Republican. I voted for a Democrat. Not because of the color or his skin. Because I felt he is the best man for the job. Unfortunately, we still see prejudice in this country and I am sad to say that I have heard a few times that the only reason people are voting for him is because he is black. I am sure his whole life he has had to overcome many obstacles in his life because of ignorance and hate. In my lifetime, I have seen racism, hate and ignorance and was fortunate to be raised in an educated household where we were never taught to judge anybody by the color of
their skin. I am so proud that we live in a country where you can
definitely be all you can be. If you set your mind to something and try hard enough you can
achieve anything. My uncle was black. I learned from stories my mom told me about prejudice and how sickening the world can be. My Aunt and Uncle fell in love in a time when it was taboo and stayed married until the day my Uncle passed away. They chose to not have children because of the times, so it is our loss that we never got to have more wonderful people in the world who were born out of pure and honest love. I wish my Uncle were still alive to see this day.....it is a day many younger generations won't understand and how incredibly momentous this is. Yes our 44
th president happens to be black. Back in the 60's when he was born, he was most likely unable to ride the same bus or attend the same schools as whites. They had
separate drinking fountains. Couldn't go into
restaurants to eat. Had to walk on the outside or go around the back of buildings. Were beaten and killed because of the color of their skin. My Aunt got fired from her job when they found out she was married to a black man................and it was
OK. How sickening it is to me that this ever went on in the first place. It is a proud moment that the majority of America saw a man. A man who was running for President and could possibly make a difference. I am saddened that his Grandmother passed away one day before he was elected. I am sure she was so proud, and I bet when he was a small boy, she looked at him with love in her eyes, despite the way
a lot of America looked at him back then and said....."Someday, you could be President of the United States......." and he is.................
1. Not to change the subject, but what is TNT? 2. Sushi? Did you say sushi? I vote you make that for Thanksgiving! 3. Despite who I voted for, I think he's still going to do a good job. Very sad about his grandmother though. That just broke my heart.
I am so happy, relieved, excited, renewed, proud, and elated that America elected him. ONLY 76 MORE DAYS!!!
How right you are! Barak has a tough job ahead of him with the economy, as do we all, it is a global problem, he is the right man for the job.
Well said Lisa! Don't we all tell our children they can grow up to be President some day? How wonderful that it came true for him.
I voted different but, I really hope you are right.
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