8 months to go,

till the family reunion, I am so excited. My mom is starting a 6 week yoga series with me on Saturday, Jay says he is going to start working out with me this week as well. My sister? Well she is a fashion model, so she doesn't have to do a thing. I am hoping we get Jack for the week as well. The last couple of weeks have been horrible on my work out and I am hoping to start my running schedule again, May is coming awfully soon but the weather has been pretty icy. For Christmas Stevi got me a Timex Ironman watch that charts your progress and keeps track of your calories burned. I want to wear it today while I paint the salon, but I will have to go off of the Self chart and say that I will probably burn on average 100 calories per hour ( I don't want to get paint on my new watch!). Not that great of a work out but at least I am getting some stuff done, as well as a workout, Stevi and I will try to make it to the Energizing Yoga class tonight at 6:30 and it will probably feel good after painting and pretty much doing nothing for the last 2 weeks. So for all you family members out there planning the reunion in 8 months, please remember, Aunt Pat is coming and she teaches Yoga all the time, we don't want her running circles around us! Plus bring your hiking shoes, I plan on bringing all willing victims on a fun hike or two!