K, Still having major issues with my computer due to the crashing of the hard drive a.k.a. dropping my laptop. So I called the 1-800 # for Palm and I spoke to Russia, China, Bangladesh,
Zimbabwe and finally Hong Kong, and he helped me, I actually got to hot sync my computer after 1 hour and 5 minute! That is record time when your have to travel the world to get someone with computer know how. So Cumin, or whatever his name was, was awesome and I told him I loved him and he is magic! Aaaaah,..............he's my hero for today!
p.s. I don't think I got to speak to the girl in the picture though........hmmmm
Sorry, but I find that sort of world travel very annoying. Surely we have enough techies/geeks in this country to answer our questions when we need help.
I had the same thing happen when my credit card was charged twice. When I told the lady I was having a hard time understanding her and asked her to repeat herself (and I said it very nicely), she yelled at me and told me she was speaking English. Gotta love cheap international labor. I'm glad Hong Kong was able to help you though!
Same thing over here, its hilarious !! my bank, call centre India, aol, somewhere that could be India, our electricity company France ( very sexy french male accent) when I asked if we were paying for the whole of London,s electricity, I kept him talking for ages :0). Hey ho!! you gotta laugh or you'd cry !!!!
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