Well it's official, we got the townhouse and will start moving on May 1st. So just to let you all (all 3 of you) our new address will be 950 Henry Orr Parkway #1303 Sparks, Nv. 89436. Thats right, we are moving out of town. Stevi isn't finished with school until the 22nd of May so will most likely be hanging out with Grandma Harrington and her lovely bitch of a roommate, Chyla. My intentions are to go and paint on May 1st then start slowly moving stuff in and take out time. We are still selling stuff, we have a formal dining set left and and fairly new lawn mower.
Jack and Chrissy hit the road today and poor Jack hung in there until the end, then still having diarrhea attacked his car seat and threw up all over the car. Since Chrissy was still not feeling well I am sure that was the perfect ending to the perfect vacation. I'm gonna miss that lil guy so much, it was awesome to be able to see him, through sickness and health and hey, I have the whole Monsters Inc. movie completely memorized!
I am so happy you got the townhouse!!! That is really exciting!
Kevin almost barfed at the smell of my Jeep when we got home. We've been sanitizing toys, clothes, everything.
You shouldn't have any problem selling your dining room set or your lawn mower. I'm excited to see your new digs.
It must be kind of exciting to be moving! I am excited to see your new pad.
How sad that Jack was still sick! Poor kid!
We hope your new place is all you hope it to be! :) x
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