- 7:30 am- Bring Stevi to soccer practice.
- Check emails, Facebook, Transfer money from savings, blog.
- Call the gold guy.
- Start laundry and dishes
- sweep
- shower
- Make a deposit at Bank.
- 10:30am go to Caviata and pay for Townhome and get keys.
- Costco for appetizers and drinks.
- Set up for Gold Party Open house.
- 1:00 get nails done by Tita while Party starts.
- Socialize and help with any guests.
- 4:20 starts Mom's hair while multitasking of course.
- 7pm Party over clean up.
- 7:15 Run around Virginia Lake a few times
- 8:00 relax and watch intently while my Boyfriend serenades me.........
- 10pm Have wonderful dreams!

You don't have time to run around Virginia Lake! You have to get home, scarf something down, wash your face, brush your teeth and watch ADAM!
So not a lot on your plate today, huh? Man... you must get so bored! LOL!!
And, yea, Mom has a point. At what point do you eat dinner??
My boyfriend plans on serenading ME tonight, Lisa. Don't even try to claim him as your own!
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