We have finally finished getting the rest of what we could out of the old house. It was hard, depression, time restraints and just lack of motivation and energy kept us away. There was also a lot of bad energy in that house. Great memories but extremely painful ones as well. 10 years can accumulate a lot. I will miss the family back yard parties and nieces and nephews running up and down the stairs then out to the trampoline, hide-n-seek, doors slamming, hot tub, and of course the space. I will however be happy to shed the bad memories of our alcohol years of tears and fighting and almost splitting up many times. We put our hearts into that house and made it our own and it makes me sad. 10 years down the tubes. Should have never re-financed, definitely should NOT have listened to the mortgage broker who refinanced us at the peak of prices and assured us we could re-finance again before our payments went up. Things work out as they should, we got Stevi away from O'Brien Middle School and into Shaw as we had planned to in the first place. Our intentions where to move to a better area for her difficult years, but as it turned out, we were unable to sell and pushed into a new direction....starting over in our 40's. Yippee......Well, we are not the only family to have lost their house, and at least we have a roof over our heads and food in our mouths. That is a heavy weight lifted off of our shoulders, I don't know what happens next, but as of today, the bank still won't talk to me because I am not on the loan, Jay doesn't want to call them because he knows nothing about our finances and the bank still hasn't contacted us to let us know that the bank owns the property.
On a lighter note, we leave for the family reunion today, and I will be taking my laptop along to take you along with us, Liz is unable to go which breaks my heart, but she will at least be able to read about it and see pictures........wish you could go Sis.....Love you!
You know, I really wasn't bothered about missing the reunion until today. I had been so focused on Sun Dance that I wasn't even thinking about the reunion, but now that it's here, I so wish I could go. I honestly wish that I had scheduled Sage's party for next weekend because if I had, I would pack up our pup tent and drive up there immediately after work on Friday. Oh well... I hope you all have a wonderful time and I'm very happy to hear you're blogging your adventures!!
Starting over will bring so many new adventures for you. I hope you are happy in your new home.
I look forward to reading all about the reunion!
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