To torture me? Just to be mean? I don't get it. Last night I started reading Sam's Letters to Jennifer. It is good, really good, so as I lay in bed, I read to page 125. I could have read all night. Why did I stop at page 125? Well first let me tell you, I got this book at a book exchange. I love James Patterson almost as much as I love to read. So now back to the why? Some one ripped page 125/126 in half......yep.....in half, long ways. So now I guess I have to read half a sentence and just make up the other half? TWO WHOLE PAGES! ARE YOU F'ING KIDDING ME!........ARGH..... I have to go, I think I need to take my medication..........
Oh and by the way, for those of you who REALLY know me.....you know that I have to read THE WHOLE BOOK! Once I start a book, even if it sucks, I have to finish it! (Just a minor issue I have.) But this book doesn't suck.......I could have read the whole thing last night............
That's terrible!! AAAARRRGGGHHH!~ I would be so upset. I love James Patterson too. What are you going to do?
Run to Barnes and Nobel and read those two pages and then finish the book!!!!!!!!!
Hah! Chrissy is BRILLIANT!
I was going to suggest something similar to what Chrissy suggested, but I was going to say go to the library. That is terrible! I understand your frustration and I can sense that it's really messing with your OCD. Not cool.
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