So apparently I am a spoiled rotten brat, my Element is AWD. All four tires do spin. I am admitting that I was wrong and thru a temper tantrum because I miss my BMW. Yes I said it. I miss a car, more than anything, I miss the 3 series. I really is well worth the money, but when there is none, what are you going to do. My tires do need to be replaced, they are low profile and the Element is much much lighter than my X5 was for sure. So I just wanted to update you all, I am officially a car snob.......and I am stuck driving a Honda......oh well, it gets me from point A to Point B, even if it is sideways and sometimes backwards. Drive safe!
Tires and rims. That's all you need. Loving my Subaru. And I need CHERRIES!
Nothing wrong with being a snob!!!
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