No names just the story this time.......Imagine this, you don't have any tattoos, and you work in a professional office, so professional, you wear slacks, jackets or skirts to work everyday. You drive a Mercedes. You hold your head up high.....of course because you are better than everyone else.......you are 43 and a woman of power and status. You go out for a night of fun and end up drinking, going home with a random guy , a bad boy if you will, covered in tattoos. Have a wild night of sex , drugs and rock-n-roll. You wake up in the morning in a hotel room, totally hung over and alone, get up and look in the mirror to put yourself together so you can figure out where the hell you are, and as you look back at yourself, there is a man's name tattoo'd on your neck in plain view on the side in 3" gangster style letters.
Now imagine this........You are married and have two children waiting for you at home...........
Oh yeah It sure did!!!!
You had told me this story, and it's still so hard to believe! I know that it's true, but . . .oh my!
STFU! You have got to be kidding?! OMG!!!!! BEST STORY EVER!
I think I would have to think of some crazy (but totally believable) story to explain the new tattoo. Something along the lines of getting mugged, drugged, kidnapped, and tattooed against my will. EEK!
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