My friend Shannon played Volleyball in
high school and is still amazingly gifted at pretty much anything she does
athletically. She is coming over today at noon to pick up Stevi and go work on some volleyball skills to get Stevi ready for her Middle School try outs on February 23rd. She is already pretty good but I know Shannon will be able to fine tune her and get her skills up to par. She has already been told at school that she is going to make the team, but nothing in life is free and you have to work at everything you do. Just because someone tells you you made it, doesn't mean you actually made it until that day arrives. Never take anything for granted.
Is there anything Stevi doesn't do? She is incredible and so multi-talented!
Stevi will be awesome, but, I agree! Practice, practice, PRACTICE until you are not just awesome, but the BEST!
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