Things change, life changes, the economy has changed, I have changed, you have changed. They say change is good, well I don't exactly know who "they" are, but I often say that. Last week I was given an opportunity for change. When I opened Salon Moxie, the 2 girls that came with me and I could only take our clients and God forbid they cancelled because we each had a waiting list. Mine happened to be 3 months long, those were the days. I quite working for Matrix, took a year off from working two jobs and opened the salon. Times were good, times were different. Now with the way the economy is, I am working 3 days a week instead of 6 or 7 and you could call me and I could probably find a spot for the the day you call me. Great for you, not so great for me. Financially, after losing 2/3
rds of my clientele due to this poor economy, I have lost a lot, my home, my business and the same night the last girl gave me notice that made me decide to close the doors, they came and took my
Harley. That is one of the bills that I had sacrificed to keep the doors open. I was in shock, I will admit. I felt as if I had been punched in the stomach. But after absorbing the whole situation and weighing it, I realized that the timing couldn't be more perfect. My lease is up on February 2
nd, I had a 5 year lease. With the overhead, I have been in the red the last 2 years. All my girls can only afford to rent part time booths which takes more money from me to keep Moxie open, takes more money out of my family account. We had some awesome times, and some weird times too. All in all, I am glad I did it. Now I know what it entails and now I will go back to renting a booth, part time, which is very inexpensive and I will be set to my 3 days a week. I move in this weekend to Divine Creations, Christi, my partner in crime is coming with me, and because of her, I received a phone call today for an educator to do product knowledge and cutting. A little traveling involved but it will put a little money back in my pockets and give me something to focus on that is positive and has life growth. So I am good, this is good and if the pipes break or we are out of toilet paper, don't call me, it's not my problem any more! So don't be sad for me, I am a survivor and when it rains it pours, I have been in a dry spell lately, so maybe this will put some flowers in my garden!
WOW! You really are a rock star- As a teenager and a friend of Liz's I always thought you were amazing now I have proof that you are. Thank you for the shot of kicking myself out of funk that I desperately needed!!!!
Atta girl! If it weren't for the bad times we wouldn't be able to appreciate the good times. There are lots of good times ahead for all of us. XOXOXO
I'm proud of you! I am so happy that you have the ability to see the bright side of things and always come away from situations with great understanding and positivity. I learn so much from you!
You are truly an amazing woman, Lisa. You took some risks and even though they didn't pan out in the end, they were worth taking. You rock!
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