Remember back when if you had glasses or braces, you got made fun of and you were a dork? I do, I was a dork.
Stevi has an orthodontist appointment at 1:30 today and she is praying......yes praying that today is the day she gets her braces on.....what happened, now you are cool if you have braces and hot if you have glasses. I guess part of the fun is glasses are very stylish now, and you can also design you
braces. Her teeth are no where near as bad as mine where, they used to call me
snaggle-tooth in 6
th and 7
th grade, but it is nice when people comment on how beautiful your smile, as you know a great smile can make or break a person, and if you smile, the world smiles with you. If you cry, you cry alone...(unless you are with me).
Am I doing something wrong? I can't read whatever you wrote under Stevi's picture. I can see that today's braces are an huge improvement over yours and your sister's railroad tracks.
Funny. I can read this on my home computer. At work, Stevi's picture covers most of the post.
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