Tales from the Chair Chapter 10
This is my story so the names haven't been changed......Eight years ago, probably to the month, I was working for Matrix International as an Educator, Master Cutter and Master Colorist, ( I was one of 3 that held those titles in this region.) I was doing in salon education as well as traveling to teach hairdressers at booked classes and doing platform work at hair shows, yes I actually stood up on stage and did shows where sometimes 50,000 hairdressers would come threw the doors to watch and see what the new trends were for the upcoming seasons. In 2000, I got a call from Matrix (which happened often) to be in Sacramento that weekend.....4 days away at an impromptu small show at the Holiday Inn to demo our cuts and color techniques that were up and coming for the show season. And we had no models. So, I went to Meadowood Mall and looked for cute girls with good hair. Walked into Macy's, met a girl who worked there named Dawn who made a couple of phone calls and I had Dawn, Dawn and Rachelle within about 20 minutes. Don't ask me how, but that always seemed to happen for me. So after talking to Dawn and Rachelle mother, they were coming to Sacramento. They were all of 15 years old and 5'11" tall twins. How fun. Dawn from Macy's dark haired and cute as can be and two towering adorable blonde's...heaven for an artist who needs clay to mold. Dawn (the twin) was sweet, but outgoing and more conservative, Rachelle spunky, the cutest dimples you ever saw and a little bit on the shy side, but they were both willing to let me do whatever I needed to do to get the show going. (Thanks mom Cherie, who is now a faithful and wonderful client) A girl named Janae I worked with at Exoticut, gave me her 23 year old bartender client David to demo the masculine sides of the trend. After telling him a few times to leave Dawn and Rachelle alone, I had to pull him aside and explain that they were only 15 and that it was illegal, I also had been entrusted to protect my fabulous models by their trusting mother, so back off or I would show him how it was, he saw it my way and just admired them from afar. The show went off without a hitch, perfect, they were born to model and boy did Rachelle work it!! They blew me away, do their hair and make-up and it was like two butterflies spreading their wings. So much fun, that weekend I made two (actually 3 with Cherie) new clients and got to enjoy watching the girls grow up and graduate high school, college, boyfriends and for Dawn, marriage. Both of the girls are not only beautiful inside and out but smart. Dawn more conservative, went on to teach in the beautiful town of Winnemucca with her husband who was also her high school sweetheart and is now Mrs. Lucas in the Winnemucca School District. Even though I lost her to adulthood a little over a year ago, I wasn't sad, I still had Rachelle and Cherie to tell me how she was doing and so forth. Now I am losing Rachelle. TO ARGENTINA!! She is going to be an ESL teacher in Argentina for adults. Wow, what an incredible adventurous soul she is......It sounds like so much fun, and being an absolutely adorable 5'11" dimpled blond, in Spain, I don't think she will want for attention. They way her personality is, she will meet all kinds of people right away, and her travel partner? None other than Dawn from Macy's. I had the girls model for me a couple of times, they even stayed over night at my house once to get an early start as they grew up in Dayton, (yeah Jayson hated that) and they are now 23, and starting their careers. I encourage Rachelle to start a blog so we can follow along on her adventures and visit Argentina with her.....If she does wouldn't that be fabulous! I have grown to love you Dawn and Rachelle, Rachelle, I will miss you sooo much, your dimples, your smile, your hair!! Please enjoy this adventure with your eyes wide open, that spouse you are looking for, may be right in front of you. I love you, Be safe!
Wow! And I thought I was adventurous just moving to Bend... she takes on another country! I'm sure if she's half as amazing as you say she is, she'll do just fine.
Maybe I read it wrong. Is she going to Argentina AND Spain? Anyhow, I remember when you picked those girls up and was amazed at the time that their mother let them go with a complete stranger. Out of state. I can't believe that it was that long ago.
Yes, I guess I should have wrote a little MORE! She is going to Argentina for 1 year, then Spain for 1 year, I think after that it depends on her contract.......
I cannot believe how long ago we met you, Lisa. It really was a growing experience. I got more confidence and a cute, short haircut. Seriously...one of the main downsides of moving to Winnemucca was losing you as my hair dresser. Anyone who has had a bad dye and haircut can appreciate how difficult it is to find someone that you can completely trust with your hair. Thanks for everything.
Dawn (the twin)
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