Today is the BIG day, I am getting ready to jump in the shower, bags are packed, flight is scheduled on time and
Stevi's alarm just went off...I am so excited for her!! She gets to stay on the beach for 10 days, go to a water park and Six Flags, Paint Balling and all kinds of other things. Stephanie (Amanda's mom) took the whole 2 weeks off to just have fun with the kids......I'm jealous, I wish I could go. This is her first trip alone, we bought her her own digital camera yesterday so she can email us pictures and she is packed in pink luggage, with pink in her hair, a pink camera and pink on her braces..(do you see a pattern here?) They are going to think she is a celebrity, either Pink or the Pink Panther maybe, or even Gwen
Stefani back in the day! Oh Girl, Have a blast, I will miss you so much but it is
OK for you to have this break. You work hard all year at dance and school, have fun and be a kid and WEAR YOUR SUNSCREEN!!
You break my heart, Lisa. Now all I can think about is Jack going on vacation without me when he's older. =(
So glad to hear that Stevi had a great traveling companion as well!
Yes! Sunscreen! Don't you dare forget it! Oh, I hope she has a great time!!!
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