Heat, 106 degrees in Mustang, which Jay worked in all day. Dropped
Stevi off at her hip-hop class at 5:30 and it was still 94 degrees in the shade. My mom came over for mac n cheese and when we dropped
Stevi off, we walked up to 7
th St. and then over to Starbucks where my mom had a decaf mint choc chip
frap and I had a green tea
frap and the dogs......a water. I should have got one of those, don't get me wrong, I enjoyed my cold creamy green concoction, but I think it dehydrated me. We then walked to the
doggy park on Washington St. and it was so hot, the dogs didn't even explore. We still had a half an hour so we toured the neighborhood and I was basically dragging Dyna who is usually a bundle of energy. I started getting a really bad headache and when we got back to the studio, we hit the Grab-n-Go for H2O.......I drank all 25 oz. in around 5 minutes..and miraculously, my headache disappeared. Do you burn more calories when you are that hot, or when you are too cold? I know I sweat off a few lbs. of water, oh boy........tomorrow is supposed to be hotter, and my mom won't walk with me, Jay won't go on a bike ride, so it looks like I will be stuck indoor at a pump class...in the air conditioning.....but working out. Sorry Dyna, (she is sleeping it off!)
Oh my sweet Dyna! I miss her so much, she's the best dog ever. I hope she feels better from her heat exhaustion. Don't forget, when you decide you don't love her anymore, I will take her!
Chyla stayed outside where it was cooler until I went to bed at 10. She didn't want to get up this morning when I left for work at 6:45. She's still tired. Poor baby.
You guys are nuts for walking in that heat.
I got that beat! I biked 12 miles on Sunday at 4:00 pm and it was 92 degrees. I think I almost passed out when I got home! What was I thinking? I hope Dyna feels better soon!
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