Wow, today is my day off, so I was woken up by my wonderful Angel with a cup of coffee, the ulterior motive, we just cut her hair short and she wanted me to flat iron it.
Ok, I have coffee, not a problem, she knows how it works around here. So I get my gym clothes on to go to my pump class and flat iron her hair, then head out the door at around 8:30. Get out of the driveway and have to stop behind her bus up the street, only the hazard lights are not on, the stop sign is not pushed out and the bus is at a crooked angle, kids are making really confusing hand gestures out the back window.
Stevi tells me to go around, someone is probably getting into trouble. No....something is wrong, so after around a minute or so I get out to investigate, of course
Stevi is horrified! I then have to pry the doors open because the bus driver is slumped over the steering wheel and is hyperventilating. I calm her down slightly and yell to
Stevi to call 911. Apparently, she has the same female issues I was going through and is having surgery in a couple of weeks, but she is in extreme pain and can't take any pain pills because she is driving the bus. I think what happened is she was in so much pain, she got her self worked up into an anxiety attack and couldn't get it under control then started to hyperventilate. I sat with her and tried to calm her down, in the meantime, the kids started to panic.....so I had to use my
Bubba personality and tell them to sit down and be quiet. Of course that made 1 or 2 of the
little guys start to cry, now I am hugging little ones and going back and forth from kids to
bus driver. We got
a hold of the bus yard and they dispatched all drivers in the area to come pick up kids for school, so
Stevi would then run to the bus and see how many they could fit, first bus could fit 20......counted 20 off and had them start to go to the other bus, of course some were hysterical then because they had brothers or sisters they were leaving behind on the bus, so I had to explain that they would all be taken to the same school..not working,
ok, who has a brother or sister on the bus raise your hands.......
ok, separated them so they could stay together, of course they all wanted to then sit by their siblings whom they had probably fought with all morning. It was amazing to me to see how frightened these kids were, I think she was probably going pretty slow when she pulled to the side of the street but she was pretty worked up so the kids probably felt like they crashed somewhat. Finally the 2
nd and 3rd bus came so we got all the kids to school, now 4 buses were full of kids and late, then
Stevi went with the last batch of kids and I stayed with her until the fire department came. I felt so bad for her because she was so embarrassed and a couple of the older kids were laughing, probably nervously about it, so as they were leaving the bus I said " Yeah I am sure this would be funny if it were your Mom or Dad right?" That stopped the
snickering right away. I made it to my Pump class, missed step before it, but had enough adrenaline going I worked out hard.
Afterwards I went to Starbucks to use a free oatmeal coupon my mom had given me and got a skinny vanilla protein latte, then sat down to call my dear dear friend Judy who is not doing well with her cancer.......she broke my heart, she is on the way to the oncologist again and said she would call me when she gets back, she sounded so weak and defeated, I had planned on going over and doing some housework for her today and some grocery shopping since her husband has been working overtime and trying to get her to all her doctor appointments and do the cooking and cleaning........then I had a little to much time to sit and think.......now I am sitting outside Starbucks holding my phone trying to choke down my oatmeal and crying because one of the best friends I've ever had is struggling with all she's got and the cancer was in her breast, she had a mastectomy, was in remission, but now it is in her lungs, ribs, spine and she just found out it is in her liver too........WHY GOD, WHY HER!!! So I broke down, I need to get it out so she doesn't see me like this because that isn't going to help her or her husband when I go over later. Jay is at work, my mom is at work, my sister is at work, Stevi is at school, the dogs just want to lick my face, so I called Jayson, I was crying, I need someone to hug me just so I can be the one being hugged for once.....big bad Bubba huh? Well, my 6'3" 225lb. Baby boy is on his way to give his Mommy a hug, so don't worry, I will be back to Bubba in no time.......all before 10:30..........
Crumbs....Thats a hell of a lot in such a short space of time, I hope you got time for cuppa and rest.
He's 225 pounds? Whoe!
Just kidding!!! Kinda...
Wow, do you know how amazing you are? You keep saving lives left and right! People are very lucky that they have you.
You are indeed amazing! Always willing to give of yourself and your time. I am very proud of you, Bubba.
You are amazing! The bus driver sure was lucky that you are a woman of action!
You are like a magnet for things like this, and there's a reason. God knows he can count on you to be there for anyone, anytime of the day. Like that time you and mom tried to help that drunk handicapped guy who had fallen over in his wheel chair. Oh, and the time we had to drive that drunk old lady home after she wrecked her blazer and nearly killed us. Man.... YOU ROCK! Oh, by the way, you can ALWAYS come over here for hugs. Do you know how many hugs you would get?? At least 1200.
I agree with Liz, you are a magnet for these things! And I agree it's because you can handle it. What a day though!!
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