So we got Stevi signed up for Sky Tavern, Snowboard program. The season starts the beginning of January of 2009. I was going to get her a bus pass for Saturdays but while we were standing in line waiting, they were asking if anyone wanted to be a snowboarding instructor. I asked what was required and Jayson met all the requirements so I called him and he said he would do it. He needs to complete an instructors course which they provide, and commit to Saturdays during the season, he can also go any Sundays that they need an instructor and Stevi can go for free. I saved $75 on the bus pass as well because she will be riding up with brother. After this season, he will be certified and be able to get a job as an instructor at any of the ski resorts. This is a good deal for me, Stevi and Jayson. Also Jayson has a job a Zumies so if we use his discount, we can get a snowboard, boots and bindings for around $25 more than we would have rented them for the season at Mogul Mouse. Busy, busy,..... but now we will have Sundays to ourselves from around 8-4 and that is relaxing me just thinking about it, I just have 3 more months to go............
3 more months? Oh! I see. The snowboarding starts in January? Whew! I was a little upset there for a minute when you said that you only had 3 months.
Oh how lucky are you,lovely lazy Sundays, breakfast in bed, sunday papers, aaahhhhhhhhh, yes I can just remember those days BC (before children) lol
Maybe Stevi could teach me how to snowboard sometime! And dance... oh and soccer, too!
Omg! Flippen sweet Lis! I go to Sky Tavern! On saturdays! And I snowboard! Woo woo! Cool. So me and Stevi could get to know eachother! Yay! I am so excited! (Or as a true snowboarder would say... "I'm stoked!" Ahhh! Yaaaa! Tell Stevi, and I guess Jayson. Oh! He could be OUR instructor! Woo Woo! Cool! Comment back! ♥♥♥
Love ya Lisa!
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