Stevi: Mommy, I am having an allergic reaction to something!
Me: Ok well, do they have Benedryl?
S: Yes I already took one but my eye is swollen shut and I can't see! (Stuffy voice, sounding like she just stuffed to wet cotton balls up each nostril as far as they would go)
M: OK well you can take one more take one more and call me back if you need me to come pick you up.
Phone rings 10 minutes later.........she is coming home. She is 11 and is not usually over dramatic, but she is an 11 year old girl at her friends house so I thought she might be milking it a bit..............I WAS NOT PREPARED TO SEE THIS! She looked like she had just lost a UFC fight with Kimbo! Her eye was swollen shut and looked like she had a golf ball crammed under her eyelid. She has been having allergy problems for the last few months and she is taking Nasonex, Naphcon A and Allegra D, I think we will be making another trip to the Doctor to see about a Kenalog (sp) shot..........Like Father Like Daughter!
Oh no... poor Stevi! She must have been scared. I wonder what it could have been?!
Poor punkin. How is she this morning?
Oh dear me, that is frightening when stuff like that happens, poor little chick, hope she feels better and you get to the bottom of it for her so she knows what to avoid in future, my brother in law had the same sort of reactions with cats and horses, obviously once you know it makes life a little easier...hopefully :-)
Do you remember when I was pregnant and had to go to the ER because my eyes were swollen shut from Cinnabon? I bet she just had something crazy like that happen. They gave me two types of steroids to control it through my pregnancy. Maybe they should give Stevi something more serious then what they have been. I've been in her shoes and it was scary, even for me at 24!
Oh no! Pool little girl. I have really bad allergies too...and they started when I was about Stevi's age. Over time she'll learn to manage them...the key is not to touch your eye no matter how bad it itches! Oh, and I recommend Patenol. Seriously, this eye drop is magic!
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