I used to think it was weird when "old" married couples had separate rooms. Not any more, maybe that's because I am getting "old". My husband snores...VERY LOUDLY...... steals covers and has full animated conversations in his sleep. It isn't weird to come to my house and see me sleeping on the couch, did last night. Tried to stay in my own bed until around 1:45 am and then I had had it. I need sleep too you know? Before Jayson moved back in, I painted his room and was preparing to go buy a nice girly bedroom set for me, when guests came it would be a guest room but on a regular basis, I would probably end up sleeping in there.
I wear industrial strength earplugs that Jay brought home for me, but when he snores so loud the bed vibrates it doesn't exactly help. Jayson is supposed to be out of here this weekend, only problem now is, I can't really afford a bed. I have looked in the Classifieds and seen used ones with the mattresses "still in plastic" I don't mind buying a used bed, but the mattress, NO WAY! So for now, so long comfort, hello couch. It isn't too bad except all 3 weenie dogs feel they HAVE to sleep with me, no matter how much room, it's usually Dyna that ends up on the floor because of her long hair she sleeps on top of the covers so when I try to move my legs to stretch out she is the one who ends up flying off, the other two are in the crooks of my legs, I know gross huh? You try telling them to get down! Weenie dogs are very stubborn. But on the other hand they are like little heaters so I definitely stay warm.
Perhaps it is time for Jay to see the sleep doctor and get a CPAP machine. I have one and don't like it BUT I get better rest while sleeping and NO SNORING. Win-win for everyone.
Happy New Year!!!
Good suggestion, Perry!
Actually a great suggestion! My dad snored for years and they found out he stopped breathing quite a bit. Loud snoring isn't good. He now has the CPAP and sleeps so much better and feels better during the day because he gets good rest. My mom sleeps better now too.
I have a cat who sleeps either behind my legs, on my feet or on DS's pillow! A sleeping animal is stubborn and hard to move and then there's that guilt I get when I do move her...
I will buy you a brand new gorgeous bedroom set in exchange for Dyna. Not only will you get the room of your dreams, but one less dog, too!
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