Oh Yeah, I'm thawing out as we speak. Today is actually the 1st day of the year, (I know you're reading it on the 3rd) and we went on a "Freezing Buns" ride. We left the house at 10:00 and 27 degrees,
brrrrr. We stopped to get gas and my nose was already almost frozen to my mask. We got to the dealership with only one incident, I got behind a stinky diesel truck and it blew all it's nasty smoke in my face and I had to pull over because my eyes wouldn't stop watering and were glued shut with mascara.....so much for make-up.
We ended up eating at Grandma Hatties restaurant for lunch and there were around 13 bikes, 20 bikers. It felt great to ride despite the chill, but as we made it back into Reno, I saw a thermometer that said 50 degrees! Wow it was a beautiful day to ride, oh and Mom, Bill says "Hi."
Well off to paint the Salon some more, have to work 12 hours tomorrow so I would love to get as much done as possible so I don't have to go in over the weekend to finish up!
I can't wait to see how the salon looks!
Hat's off to you for getting out and riding! I was at the beach in the wind and rain sans bike. Still have yet to pull it out this year! Finish painting yet?
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