I got this idea from My World (Click on 7 day Blog). I truly enjoy looking at all of Perry's pictures they make me smile. So I would like to put forth a 7 day challenge. A poem a day, incorporated into your blog, or comments, if you don't have a blog and you just like to read and comment (wink wink, MOM). I am going to give you a chance to open your creative minds and play......so please do, it will be fun. Poems may be in any format, one per day, as long as you would like, and you can do them separately or be creative and make people find them in what ever you are blogging about. The ONLY rules are....I am providing 7 different titles, only use each title once and once you use it cross it off. So put the 7 titles on your blog somewhere and that way we can look forward to what ever it is that may come up next. If you don't blog, or comment daily don't worry, there is no time limit on this, BUT each time you log on to a blog or post a blog, you must write one of the 7 poems until they are all gone......READY, SET, PLAY! (please?)
Ooh. Uh oh. Now I have to think. I read your poem before I read this post. Give me time. It's hard to wax poetic at work.
What a great idea! Please excuse me if I don't play along for now though but I will. And thank you for the kind words on your blog. :-)
I'm confused... (I know, surprise, surprise! ;0))
Where are the titles you said you were going to give us to use? Do we just follow your poem titles, like "My pets are..." ?
Ok I'll join the fray! Keep watch and a it will be a interesting adventure..
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