
Whew!!! What a week! I worked 44 hours in 3 days and still managed to organize and attend a girls night out, pick Stevi up from dance, bring her to her competition, finish my apron and start on Sage's Wee Spin quilt. Thursday was my worst day. Started at 6am and didn't leave the salon until 10:50 at night, had a sewing class the next morning, had to jam home and get Stevi for her pedicure appointment then bring her to voice lessons, all the while on the phone making arrangements for Martini's and Sex with the girls, home from 5 mins., pick up Judy and Mom, head to Silver Peak, while Lea Luis runs and picks up the very last movie tickets in town for Sex in the City, there where 16 of us at Silver Peak, and Jamie Krahne's friend Chris was sweet enough to pick up the tab or the whole table, get in the car, jam to Parklane to see the movie while my mom spits water all over my dashboard, windshield and passenger window. We arrive with 15 minutes to get coffee and take up half of the third row in the theatre. Afterwards I have 20 mins. before Stevi's skate session ends so Judy and Mom and I head over and laugh at all the pubescent kids with mohawks and their pants falling down. Get everyone home with 5 hours to sleep, jump out, well, crawl out of bed by 6am, to get Stevi to her dance competition, 51 in her junior division and she took a gold which is equivalent to a 3rd in point standings, I think she could have done better, but I think she was tired, next time, to bed early! Her friend Jeremy tagged along, it was his 11th birthday today so we let them have all you can eat sushi at Kokopela's then we surprised him with birthday cake and our infamous birthday song. Afterwards we played at Circus Circus and Stevi won 4 prizes, Jeremy didn't win anything, so Stevi gave him the HUGE Lakers Basketball she won. We headed home as I text messaged Chrissi and Jack just arrived to spend the night. We get him until noon tomorrow then we are off to Willows recital, oh and Jeremy is staying over for movie night. No rest for the wicked, oh and by the way Sex in the City was awesome if you haven't seen it yet, do so it's great. Jack was attacked by a stray dog in the park and just got his stitches out of his cheek yesterday, I am so sad for him!! This is the last time we will see him for awhile, he will be moving to Bend Oregon with Mommy and Kevin and we will miss his little chunky butt SO MUCH!! He is going to be so missed........aaaaaahhhhhhh I wish he could stay, but it is what is best for Chrissi and Kevin and I can definitely respect that. Love you Jack Sparrow, so much........
How does that happen?? How does a stray dog get close enough to a baby to attack him?? Did they catch the dog? Will Jack have to go through rabies shots? What the heck?
And I didn't spit water on your windows, I sprayed water on your windows. I am sorry that none of us can remember what was so funny, but it must have been hysterical.
Wow, what a busy weekend. I hope little Jack is OK!!! Poor thing!
Your Mom was just trying to be nice and clean your windows for you!! :)
Butterball is doing so much better. You can barely see where he got hurt on his cheeks! He can't wait to see you in July!!!
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