Hmmm. I have been 40 for a whole 7 weeks, I have gained weight, started menopause, found new wrinkles and lost energy. I went in for my wonderfully fun annual Dr. appointment (which all you women know we look SO forward to every year), found new lumps bumps and fun things in my breasts,
yay, 5
th mammogram in the last year just scheduled, and they are not sure what to do for me hormonally since there is so much breast cancer in my family, so I now have an appointment scheduled with Dr. Pollock to discuss my
options which I believe are either ablation or a hysterectomy. I started my cycle for the 5
th time yesterday since July 1st and I don't think I can afford to keep stocking up on essentials at Costco anymore.......
hmmm, food or tampons and pads? Sorry for any men out there reading but life is life. Before I got pregnant with
Stevi I had had so many D&C's and freezing and
conal biopsies, my Dr. said, if you don't want anymore children, you need a hysterectomy, make a decision, if you want another child I am giving you 6 months to get pregnant or you need surgery........2 weeks later I found out I was pregnant with
Stevi. The Dr. said that after giving birth, it would clean my system out for a few years until we need to worry about these issues again.
Stevi will be 12 on November 23rd, so he was right, it has only been the last 2 years or so that I have been getting irregular paps and they have been watching me. I am really sick of being anemic and low on energy
every time Mother Nature calls. I AM DONE. So I guess I will find out Wednesday, if there are any
pre-cancerous cells again, I am just going to have them yank it all out, and since I can't have hormones, I guess I can grow a goatee.
Ahhh, the joys of womanhood. Another new thing is when I got my "check-up"
umm, they now included the rear end......."
Have you ever considered seeing a Homeopathic doctor or Naturopath? There are herbs that can help you that won't mess up the rest of your system. It might be a good alternative (or at least worth a shot!) to having a hysterectomy. Accupuncture may help too... it might take several (months) of accupuncture therapy, but I believe it could help. If I were you, I would try to explore every alternative to a hysterectomy. Just my 2cents. I love you and I hate that you have to endure this.
Oh you poor thing, thats all too much, I am in the "flirty forties" great aint it ? all that was pert and scrumptious is journeying south, my bouncing around the bedroom looking slightly mysterious and alluring days are gone, and I find I am actually beginning like big knickers. Stay positive.
Dr. Pollock is great and will take the time to talk to you about all your options. I don't know much about ablation but I'm hoping that that will straighten everything out until the end of menopause.
Lisa-It's Jen Duval--your hair client. Finally found your blog and am so sorry to read that you are going through this! I agree that acupuncture would probably help at least calm your nerves! We don't want YOUR hair falling out now! I'm sending this message through the blog I have for Matthew...still haven't started one to write from MY perspective but know that I need to do that soon per your "therapy" recommendation!
Lisa-It's Jen Duval--your hair client. Finally found your blog and am so sorry to read that you are going through this! I agree that acupuncture would probably help at least calm your nerves! We don't want YOUR hair falling out now! I'm sending this message through the blog I have for Matthew...still haven't started one to write from MY perspective but know that I need to do that soon per your "therapy" recommendation!
nice blogging
You know what, Lisa, if you grow a goatee, I know of all the women in this world, you could make it stylish. Next thing you know, Angelina Jolie will want to get one all because of you.
If you write it, I'll likely read it. You are right, that's life. Hang in there & let Jay know you don't *really* want to maim him. :-) Sorry to read about another friend and only 37. Making me feel ancient!
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