I started looking in May, found cars I liked or that were
ok and would do. My lease on my X5 in up on October 31st and I am done leasing.......I want to own a car with no car payment for awhile. I have been researching and reading and comparing and driving. I thought I needed to get a sedan for better gas mileage, but there are so many options that I like with an SUV, gas mileage is not one of them, so I thought. Today after 3 days of hours of research on the computer I decided that a car that is a couple of years old with low miles is probably the most sensible option. So I went to BMW after work to check out their used lot and afterwards headed over to Honda, Honda is top rated in every category since 2001 and is considered the most low risk vehicle to purchase new or used. I went to the lot at Honda and was casually looking around sure that the fact that my last 2 cars have been brand new BMW's I had become a car snob and my nose would be up in the air to any car I looked at........then I saw it. I have never been attracted to it before, never thought they looked "cool" just a little weird. It was an 06' with 21000 miles on it in the right price range, then I peaked inside.......WOW look at all that room! Holy Cow, he opened it up after telling me I would get 7-10 more miles to the gallon than my X5.........and I drove it.....(Que the Choir)
Ummm I liked it, A LOT, it felt like me I was comfortable the moment I drove it and Jay fit in it!! Bonus, not to mention, you can hook a tent to the back and it is an off road motel.
So I said I want it, came home and cleaned out my car........but then I went back on line to make sure it was in the right price range blue book wise so I had something to negotiate with, and thought, "Just for kicks I am going to price a brand new one..........WHAT!!! only $800 more, I knew that Honda's held their value well but wow, they are practically the same price!! I will pay an extra $800 to get my own miles on it so I called Dario back and said "Don't detail it, I want a new one for the same price!" His response was "You got it...." Then I said "Oh, and by the way, tell Scott to throw in the tent!" "I'll see what I can do......" So I get off work at 1 tomorrow and I have a feeling that I may be driving my new 2008 Honda Element to Bend to see Jack turn 1 year old.........Bye Bye Beemer, it's been a wonderful romance, but I don't need you anymore, now that I am 40, I realize that I can drive a Honda and be excited about it. Funny thing is, I thought I would be sad, but I drove BMW's for 6 years and loved every minute of it......but I am over it.

Howdy Honda......lets go camping!
OMG ! I am so excited for you! We can't wait to see your new ride!
P.S. Bring your swimsuits! The Juniper pool is soooo much fun and I think you could really have a great time there. AND they have a coffee kiosk there!
Ummmm. Chrissy? Have you not heard about Lisa's swimming talents? Maybe you should invest in some adult size water wings.
Ohhh.... those Honda Elements are really cool. Is it one that you can just hose out the back?? Such a cool feature.
Ohhh! Congrats!!!
Have fun with your new car, its a great feeling driving a new car, love the look of the Honda, great choice.
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