Ever since my sister had Sage's 2
nd birthday party out at the Pyramid I have been craving going back! So on Sunday I am taking
Stevi and a couple of her friends out for the day, I would like to leave early, around 8am and hang out until around 3, I know this is a Holiday weekend, but over where my sister showed us there will more than likely be few people as it is a day camping area only. My Mom is going with us and I am hoping my sister and her friends Thea and her family. This is an open invitation so if you read me, and you would like to hang for the day and do some rock jumping...(my mom is a pro, I like to do
belly flops, she does cannon balls) Please come join us!! Make sure you stop and get a day pass though, apparently it is a $60 fine and you get to go to the wonderful courthouse in Nixon. Hope to see you there.
8 o'clock in the morning? I'll try.
I'd love to join you all, but, too many miles to travel I'm afraid. Enjoy your holiday weekend, we have just had a "Bank Holiday" ie long weekend here and guess what ??........It rained, but being a True Grit Brit, I dragged my 12 year old out and we spent the weekend fencing our vegetable plot !!! which was great fun...NOT!!! a grumpy pre-teen and me with hammer hit fingers...
Unfortunately, we're not going to be able to make it. Just wanted to warn you to be careful going through the rez. All the "burners" will be travelling home and the Tribal police will be out in full force. It's 25mph through the rez! Also... watch out for all those tired, delirious burners on the road!
Whoa! Liz has a point! Maybe this isn't a good weekend to go out there.
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