Short but sweet, too bad we couldn't stay longer, but thank God I checked my calendar, I had forgotten that
Cierra was coming to stay with us for a few days while her parents went out of town for some important matters. The good thing is, when Jack took a nap yesterday, so did I, then we woke up when we heard his sweet angelic voice and headed for the park for some more serious bonding time. It was really hot and muggy up in Bend so we only got around 2 hours of walking and playing in. When we got back around 6pm, we grabbed out bags to hit the road. The saddest moment was when Jack got into the back seat of my car and wanted to go with us. I would have taken him in a heartbeat, but I think I may have had to fight Kevin and
Chrissi for him. Our trip was wonderful and relaxing.
Chrissi and her family have always made us feel like part of the family and we have really enjoyed hanging out with all of them. I am definitely going to try to squeeze more travel time into my schedule so we can see that little guy as much as possible.
We started out journey home at 6:20ish after getting gas in Bend, stopped in Klammoth Falls for a 4 shot espresso drink at Dutch Bros. and literally hauled butt.

Stopped in Alturas at 10 on the dot for more gas and made it home at 12:30 am. I love traveling at night like that.....nobody gets in my way.......Yes Mom, I drove like a man, but I made it home in record time, stayed up till 2 amped up on espresso and woke up at 8 to start my exercise regime to prepare for the next bout of eating.....The Family Reunion. 4th-9th of August coming up! We love you Jack! And to Chrissi, Kevin, Tutu, Laura, Nick, Will, Pippa and Oliver (missed you Jess) be prepared, I am getting my next dinner menu set up now!
Too late to lose weight. Everybody is just going to have to love us with all our flab.
Jack really misses you! He was so sad when you drove off. Hey! Maybe you could just move to Bend! YAY!
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