For those of you who grew up here, you would be sad. The best parts of Idlewild Park are gone. Gone is the huge Rocketship you could climb all the way to the top and command, and gone are all the kiddie rides, except the poor ol' train. The girls didn't care thought. Despite the weeds that are starting to take over the outer-lying areas of the park, they played on the chipped and worn down lions and some of the other equipment. We did
get to ride the train which they thoroughly enjoyed and then off to Q'Doba's for lunch. It was a fun morning, but of course with the Law of Lynch, thing
s don't seem to go as fantasized. They don't know the difference, all they know is we got out of the house and enjoyed ourselves. All I can say is "Shame on you City of Reno, you are letting a park go that was part of many of our childhood memories!"
Parks everywhere are suffering. California especially, and all over. Of all the things the City of Reno cuts, I am sad it is parks. I'm sure if the mayor wants a new $300 chair though, no one blinks an eye.
I'm afraid that Chrissy is right. Parks aren't a big priority right now and the amusement rides had been up for sale for many years. No takers. Too much liability on ancient rides. Love the train though. Did the seats get smaller?
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