ISN'T THAT JUST THE SWEETEST FACE!! Jack Sparrow if coming to grandmas house and play today!! I am so excited! If mommy lets us, we are going on an adventure to his Great Aunt Liz's house, she has 7 kids she watches, including his second cousins Sage and Willow, so some fun youthful socialization would be very exciting for him I am sure, I know there is another baby and I think Willow is the oldest at a whopping 4 years old. We should have a grand day! My plan is to head over this morning before lunch and
nap time so that everyone is in a good mood and we all have fun! Look at that sweet sweet face, don't you just want to kiss it off!!!
I'm jealous. You and Jack have fun visiting with all those babies. Oh, and with madreadoptiva too.
Jack is just about the cutest baby I've ever seen (besides my two children, of course ;-)). I had a great time visiting with you guys this morning!
Jack can't wait to go again this Tuesday! He loved that baby yogurt!
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