This story is very disturbing, you won't believe the story I heard.....once again, the names have been changed to protect the guilty.......I used to work with a very young and pretty girl a few years ago named "Wendy" Wendy lived with her high school sweetheart "A.J.". They met and fell in love at the very young age of 14. When Wendy was 15 her mother kicked her out of the house because she was pregnant. She and A.J. decided it was not in their best interest to keep the baby because they were so young so they gave the baby up for adoption. This was a tough time for them but, once again, their love was strong and they pulled through this. He graduated with his G.E.D. and she followed in his footsteps, they both worked odd jobs and eventually, she went to beauty college and he got a job in a garage. They had been together about 9 or 10 years when things started to go array. A.J. got fired, he failed a drug test. Wendy had been through this with him before and finally had enough. He moved out and got an apartment. He loved her so much he would not let her go. Eventually she met other men and dated and started a relationship, A.J. met a stripper, her name was Wendy. Wendy moved on......apparently A.J. could not. A.J. was now obsessed with getting Wendy back, she was beautiful and if he couldn't have her nobody could. So he did some heroine one night and went out to show Wendy just how much they belonged together. A.J. broke into "their" house and made Wendy drink a cat tranquilizer that he had gotten over the internet, then, because he loved her SO much, he raped her and beat her until her face was black and blue, swollen and bloody. Then of course afterwards. He held her to comfort her and stroked her hair before he raped her again. Of course he cried, because SHE made him do that to her, she just didn't understand how much he loved her.....why couldn't she see? At least he stayed with her until the police came and the paramedics so they could take her to the hospital......isn't that what you would do for someone you love?
I cant believe that happened to Wendy i hope that he never sees her again or the other way around
Whoa! You have some disturbing stories! Kind of like being a bartender, huh? You hear it all. Do I know these people?
Now I understand why you love your job so much. It's the uplifting stories.
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