I have been contemplating....I know I should not drink soda, I drink diet but there is absolutely no nutritional value in it what-so-ever. I also think I should quit coffee..I CAN'T! I don't drink alcohol, on the occasion I do, I break out in hives, sometimes not until around 3 or 4 days later, and lately if I rinse my mouth with any mouthwash containing alcohol, I break out in hives on my legs immediately. OK so the allergy obviously has gotten worse not better, I am done trying even a sip of alcohol, too miserable. I don't smoke either. You look around at the alcoholics and meth heads and I am worried about a little caffeine and splenda and high sodium content. Am I getting nuerotic in my old age? I need to have something enjoyable from time to time, I can't quit coffee, I CAN'T, I CAN'T I CAN'T! So for now, I am going to eliminate soda from my diet and see how that goes, I also worry about my intake of artificial sweetners, however, I can't deal with all the extra calories of sugar, so for now, no soda and I am phasing out artificial sweetners, maybe I won't like coffee without it and I will kill two birds with one stone...........what can you give up that's bad for you?

You can't give everything up! I could give up diet Pepsi (but I don't want to) or M&M's (but I'd fade away to nothing). We're all in pretty good shape. Why do we have to give something up?? Huh?? Why??
I gave all artificial sweetners and almost all sugar out of my diet a couple of months ago now. The first I noticed with not having an artificial sweetners is that within 2 days I had no more headaches. I mean NONE!! I was having them daily, I now know that it was from artificial sweetners in my daily diet soda habit. I now drink water and Iced T and don't feel like I'm missing anything.
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