Apparently Stevi and Cierra where playing hacky sack in her computer room and the lamp was on the floor, she bent over to pick up the hacky sack which had been kicked behind something and her cheek touched the light bulb. It has already blistered and popped and now it is in the red dry rash stage. Thankfully I have some prescription antibiotics from the dermatologist for my face, so we have been putting that on it twice a day, it seems to be expediting the healing process. Poor girl, first her hair, now her face. What will she look like by the time 7th grade starts?!
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
My accident prone Angel...
Monday, July 27, 2009
Menu for the week.......

- MONDAY: Pancakes with blueberries and bacon
- TUESDAY: Salami and cheese sandwiches with fresh corn on the cob
- WEDNESDAY: Turkey bolognese with fresh baked 7-up bread
- THURSDAY: Fettuccine Alfredo with sauteed jumbo shrimp sauteed in salt, pepper, tarragon and oregano, with fresh pressed garlic toast.
- FRIDAY : Spaghetti with mixed veggies in marinara sauce.
- SATURDAY: Grilled pork chops, roasted potatoes and mixed veggies.
- SUNDAY: On your own, left overs, lets clean out the fridge!
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Off into the Sunset.......
We started out journey home at 6:20ish after getting gas in Bend, stopped in Klammoth Falls for a 4 shot espresso drink at Dutch Bros. and literally hauled butt.
Stopped in Alturas at 10 on the dot for more gas and made it home at 12:30 am. I love traveling at night like that.....nobody gets in my way.......Yes Mom, I drove like a man, but I made it home in record time, stayed up till 2 amped up on espresso and woke up at 8 to start my exercise regime to prepare for the next bout of eating.....The Family Reunion. 4th-9th of August coming up! We love you Jack! And to Chrissi, Kevin, Tutu, Laura, Nick, Will, Pippa and Oliver (missed you Jess) be prepared, I am getting my next dinner menu set up now!
Saturday, July 25, 2009
I'm still full.

Not kidding, we need to get up now that we hear movement in the house. Yesterday Stevi and I went shopping to make dinner and we marinaded 4 lbs. of strip steak in Worchestshire sauce with green onions, lemon zest and rock salt with pepper, roasted potatoes in olive oil , salt and pepper and fresh rosemary, thyme and sage, sauteed asparagus in butter with salt and pepper and then shredded Gouda cheese on top.
Before that, Jack helped me start dessert in the ice cream maker, Stevi chose peanut butter ice cream which is made with heavy and light whipping cream, sugar and creamy peanut butter. It was, as Pippa would say..."The best ice cream
I have had in my entire life!" See her jumping for joy in the picture?
For the ice cream party we sliced bananas, had chopped nuts, chocolate chips, chocolate syrup, whipped cream and chocolate dipped cones as well as waffle bowls. It was fantastic, as Stevi and I brought Jack for his evening wagon ride, I guess the topic of conversation at the house was when are they getting an ice cream maker. It makes for a fun evening and there is no ice cream like
home made ice cream. Time to get up and walk the 3 miles to get coffee, I need to walk off dinner from last night!
Friday, July 24, 2009
A Bend on the Road......
The trip up to Bend seemed long, only because we hit 3 different construction zones that were down to one lane with a pilot car. Stevi and I started by stopping and using a buy one get one free entree at Q'Doba then we hit the road for 4 hours and our next stretch stop was at Harold's Frosty Freeze in Alturas for an ice cream. We didn't need gas until we got to Klammoth Falls and as you can see, Stevi was the cutest bug washer in all of Oregon. When we finally arrived in Bend it was almost 9 so of course we could only visit for a few min
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Ace in the Hole

Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Weird how things have a way of working themselves out.....
My intentions were to help a friend in need. Being a hairdresser, you develop very strong bonds with some clients, those clients usually become friends. I have made a few in my career. I wasn't sure if I should write this in a "Tales from the Chair Chapter" or not, but because it effected me on a personal level more than anything else, I decided to not.
I never intended to "set them up" it just worked itself out on it's own. They have so much in common, it seems so right for things to have fallen into place the way they have. I will pray for them both, they have both had that one love of a life time and like she told me.......The four of them can make this work. Who knows what will happen, but for now, lots of support and laughter and smiling in a time that may have gone completely different.
I love you both and God is smiling down on you as well.........good luck.
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Feels good!

I also read in Organizing Life's blog about money management and the envelope system. I recommend that you read it. I am going to start implementing this system. It will be hard, but I feel it will help with the free spending of cash. Right now Jay and I have a $60 a week allowance for "things" , cigars, Starbucks, snacks, lunch etc. but when clients pay me cash, I think we spend a lot more freely. So my goal today is to ride my bike (getting in my exercise) to CVS ( I have great coupons that expire today) and get an accordion file that I use for bills and start sorting cash into appropriate spending budgets. Groceries ($180 week), allowance($35 for Stevi $60 for Jay and Me), gas/vehicle repairs( 100 a week), dinner out ($15 a week, so if we want more than fast food it must build) date night (same as dinner out), trip money (15) clothing expenses which includes under garments and work/school clothes (25) Pet/Car washes (5) gift expenses (5), toiletries (1) Stevi expenses/sports (50).
If you can think of any "other" expenses that could be put into these categories or if I could cut back on any of these, please suggest, (even you Tutu and Jess!) Any input would help. I understand I may not be able to afford to "stash" in some of these categories, so I will prioritize accordingly. I will begin the process today but not stashing until I return from seeing the most handsome boy in the whole wide world. I am hoping this will help me save to take more weekend trips to go see Handsome Jack Sparrow more often! Anyone else like to try this? Read her article, it sounds controlling but may help us see where we are over spending. Have a great day!
Family times,
Jack Sparrow,
saving money,
Stevi Punkin Lynch,
tag your it,
Today was an entertaining day.
I started my day planning on relaxing and doing nothing......wrong!

Jay had poker night with the guys so Stevi and I invited my mom out for girls night out and we went to Silver Peak for dinner and then went and saw "The Hangover". If you haven't seen it, you have to go! It is hilarious, obnoxious and wrong but will make you could and has happened. We have all had one of those "next days" where we are doing the "Walk of Shame" the next day and can't remember what the hell happened! Awesome!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Still going to Oregon...change in direction...

Tuesday, July 14, 2009
12 step 5 hours...... about eating "Humble Pie"....I broke all my own rules and used Stevi as a Guinea Pig because the girls on the team wanted to put blue in there hair for the National Tournament. Glad I did, but wish I didn't.

- Highlight hair and add blue chunks.
- Very carefully rinse each foil individually careful not to contaminate the blonde with the blue.
- Shampoo and start shitting Twinkies as the suds get bluer and bluer
- Condition while hair is turning green
- Laugh hysterically (nervous laughter) because you don't know what the hell you're going to do to fix it.
- Do a bleach wash which isn't working so put her under the dryer for 7-10 mins.
- Wash and condition again, and turn hair aqua green again.
- Re-foil whole head and bleach over what should be blonde with conditioner and 10 volume and put red over blue to nuetralize.
- Take foils out, sigh of relief as it looks clean and somewhat normal
- Shampoo and Condition hair and watch the blue come back into the suds,,,,,,What the F!
- Hair is breaking so time for deep conditioner
- Tone with Strawberry Blonde Flash Toner by Paul Mitchell, looking good......
- Wash and deep condition.......Here comes the F'ing Blue again, What the hell, won't you go away!
- Cut hair fairly short, it needs it.......oh my god what have I done.........
- Put darkest red brown on hair to try to at least cover hair to a normal color.....
- Drive home, rinse and condition........It still has a bluish green tinge.
I used to be a color educator? Nice. My beautiful baby girl was crying, she hates her hair, I wish I could take it all back, there is nothing I can do. My heart is completely broken, I know how it feels to have messed up hair, it does grow......but she starts Middle School at a new school in 6 weeks, I have my work cut our for me. I slept with her last night and held her all night, I am crying as I write this and my heart is broken. She is still my beautiful baby, but I ruined her hair, her gorgeous blonde girl next door and turned her into a dark goth. She keeps telling me it is ok.
It's not. But it will be, with time and patience......
Monday, July 13, 2009
Sunday, July 12, 2009
9 hrs. and 10 mins to Newberg........
Newberg, OR
At least it's not 10 hours, so IF the team doesn't have enough girls that are able to go,and I have already scheduled the time off, that will be perfect timing to bring Jack up his birthday present and spend time with him, that is if it's ok with the Wonderful, Most Beautiful Mama in the world Chrissi?........I should know after the games today.......I think we have to have 9 players in, maybe 10....oh and by the way, thanks for letting me vent last night!
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