Saturday, May 31, 2008
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Melrose Place @ the Lynch house
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
I miss my Dad.......

I miss my dad yelling at me at tax time,
telling me I have to keep my receipts in line.
I miss my dad telling me I look good for an old girl,
and watching him dance around in a jerky swirl.
I miss my dad blasting John Philip Souza,
and telling me jokes until I'm lost and confused uhhh!
I miss my dad bragging about us to every one he meets,
and telling all our stories, and repeats and repeats.
I miss my dad saying to me "You tell 'em cabbage you've got the head!"
And him not hearing everything I've said.
I miss my dad with the volume up on the TV,
and him hanging out with Jayson and Stevi.
I miss my dad coming over just to fall asleep,
and answering the remote control when he hears a beep.
I miss my dad telling me he's just so proud,
and I miss always having to talk so loud.
I miss my dad... I just do,
I miss him so much more than I knew.......
Monday, May 26, 2008
Honor Roll Awards Ceremony
My Mom taught me to love with your whole heart,
and not be scared to get hurt.
My Mom taught me to look at a persons eyes,
not at the color of their skin.
My Mom taught me to laugh until you cry,
and to cry until you laugh.
My Mom taught me to work hard,
as nothing in life is free.
My Mom taught me to give a firm handshake,
and walk with your head held high.
My Mom taught me when things seem horrible,
they could always be worse.
My Mom taught me to respect animals,
and to respect people as well.
My Mom taught me we are all different,
that is what makes the world go round.
My Mom taught me to fight for what is right,
and to never back down.
My Mom taught me to turn the other cheek,
and apologize when you are wrong.
My Mom taught me that beauty is within,
as your looks will truly fade.
My Mom taught me if you don't have something nice to say,
you should say nothing at all.
My Mom taught me to love your man because you want him,
never because you need him.
My Mom taught me if I set my mind to it,
I can achieve anything in life.
My Mom taught me to have patience and be gentle,
with people who genuinely need it.
My Mom taught me that people make mistakes,
and it is OK to forgive them.
My Mom taught me to stand up for myself,
and it's OK to walk away.
My Mom taught me responsibility,
and to finish what I start.
My Mom taught me to be proud of who I am,
and to never look back.
But most of all,
My Mom taught me how to be a Mom.
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Biker Trash
Biker Trash
Childhood is......
Riding until you can't stop screaming,
Riding until you are sick,
running to the next ride,
laughing at your mom's face.
Playing on the slip and slide,
not caring if your hair is wet,
sliding off the end,
because grass stains don't matter.
Running to the swings,
getting dirty at recess,
playing tag,
can't wait for summer break.
Kissing dogs on the mouth,
carrying them all over the house,
sleeping with them,
not noticing dog hair on your clothes.
Childhood is carefree......
Friday, May 23, 2008
Nature is.....
Nature is kind
Nature is mean
Nature is confused
and everything in between.
Nature is dry
Nature is wet
Nature is windy
does things you can't forget.
Nature hurts
Nature feels great
Nature will get you
at a further date.
Nature nourishes
Nature destroys
Nature covers up
what life deploys.
Nature makes you laugh
Nature makes you cry
Nature can change
in the blink of an eye.
Ahh Nature..........
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Memoirs of a crazy childhood....Chapter 4

Jack in my lap
for a morning nap.
Sewing on Willow's quilt
without any guilt.
Breakfast in bed
with not a word said.
Seeing my sister
you know I've missed her.
Waking without the alarm
with my head on Jay's arm.
Watching Jack's smile
as huge as a mile.
Seeing my son Jayson
play with Jack his son.
Taking my shower
at an ungodly hour.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Memoirs of a crazy childhood....Chapter 3

I don't remember if that was the time he had gotten into a fight with a porcupine and lost or not, but I do remember my mother fixing his owwies and nursing him back to health. He was then part of the family and since a wolf chooses a mate for life, he chose my mom. She took Wolf everywhere with her........if she didn't, he would actually jump out of the trailer windows to look for her, he had terrible separation anxiety. After awhile, she couldn't afford to keep getting our windows fixed, so where my mom went Wolf went....... One day she had to go grocery shopping, so we all piled in the car, including wolf and went to the Warehouse Market, next to the Bonanza Casino. We went inside, wolf stayed out in the car.....till he got worried about my mom. Somehow, he rolled the window down and since the store had automatic doors, he decided to go in and look for us. Panic at the Disco.....people where running and screaming......uh yeah, you would too if a wolf was wandering down Isle 7 looking frantically for his mate! Eventually, my mom had no choice but to give him away, she could no longer afford to feed him, and he was taking down cattle on the range and there was pretty much a "Bounty" on his head, since everyone in Reno Park knew my mom, they gave her options. She gave Wolf to a family somewhere in California...Portola maybe, I am not sure, but I do know that around a week or so later, he found his way home, bloody paws and all. He loved my mom so much that he ran home miles and miles to let her know that somebody had accidentally adopted him. I know there were a lot of tears, but she gave him away again, and I think if I remember correctly he ran away from them as well, but he never made it home. The loyalty of a wolf is amazing.......and the fact that his loyalty was to a woman who was brave enough and kind enough to fix him when he was broken......too bad we can't learn from that.
Today I Learned

Today I learned........
My mom is the only one whose never seen Sex and the City,
If you ask me I think it's a pity.
Today I learned.......
If you don't ask, you will not receive,
and if you do ask, they get up and leave.
Today I learned.........
I am a shape shifter,
Five pounds goes, but comes back swifter.
Today I learned.....
I can laugh with the dirtiest,
and I can pray with the holiest.
Today I learned.......
How to be more patient,
and to not count money spent.
Today I learned......
I work way too much,
Play way too little and such.
Today I learned.......
You should always count your blessings,
you should never count your sins.
Today I learned......
I look good for my age,
and that 40 is all the rage.
Today I learned........
To stop and smell the flowers,
and not count all the working hours.
Today I learned......
To be happy, then sad,
to be good , then bad.
Today I learned.........
Sunday, May 18, 2008
7 Day Blog Challenge.....
Saturday, May 17, 2008
94 Degrees in the Sun Saturday
- 9:30a.m. Roll out of bed, have Peanut Butter Crunch Cereal, French Vanilla flavored coffee, tell family what is on the agenda for today.
- 9:45a.m. Take shower and get ready to roll, borrow $200 from Jay to go shopping for today's parties, parties, parties!
- 11:00a.m. Head out the door, use Jay's truck because it has GPS
- 11:15a.m. Go to Beauty Supply to buy Bedhead make-up and Hemp lotion for Hannah, Lauryn and Katie who are all having graduation parties today, which I will attend all 3!
- 11:55a.m. Go to Toy's R Us and get my niece Kelly a bicycle and helmet for her 6th birthday, which I will also attend today.
- 12:10p.m. Make deposit at Bank of America to cover Toys R Us and so I can pay bills later(oops, went a little over budget).
- 12:48p.m. Log Hannah and Lauryn's party address into GPS and hit the road after putting together their gift bags with eyeshadow cream wands, eyeshadow pallet, lip gloss and lotion, oh and a tootsie roll for each of them!
- 1:10p.m. Arrive at party fashionable late of course (only 10 minutes) and see the awesome cake Lauryn made (pictured above) for her own high school graduation. (She is pictured in the brown dress, Hannah is in the pool. Congrats you two!!)
- 2:00p.m. Have food and watch slide show Mallory put together, looked at book and sat with Deb, the mom, while she cried!!
- 2:50p.m. Leave party and text Stevi, pick her up from friend Kelsea's house to get to Kelly's party at Rancho San Rafael Park.
- 3:05p.m. Pick up Stevi and talk to Tori about Stevi spending the night to attend ANOTHER birthday party tomorrow at Justice with Kelsea, after all Noelle will be there and Stevi knows her!
- 3:20p.m. Arrive at Kelly's party, get bike and helmet out, eat two sandwiches, talk to mom, Judith, Liz, Steve and everyone else, push Sage on swing (Yay! I am so glad she loves her Auntie Beautiful now!) Take pictures.
- 4:50p.m. Get Stevi and backpack, call Kelsea,
bring Stevi back to Kelsea's house , give her $27 for Justice party tomorrow (hope it's enough that is all I had)
- 5:05p.m. Head home to see Jay and get ready for Katie's party.
- 5:15p.m. Talk to Jay for a few minutes, I think he got heat stroke today, so he missed Kelly's party and will not be attending Katie's BBQ as well. Go upstairs fix melted make-up from the 94,000 degree heat today, put on deodorant, hairspray and perfume and kiss Jay good-bye.
- 5:20p.m. Set up Katie's bag with her make-up.
- 5:35p.m. Get to Katie's BBQ (they have been partying since 1:30, ummm yeah.....)
- 5:45p.m. Run back to truck to get camera, this could be good, they are playing beer pong with vodka......
- 6:00p.m. Give JL a hug, can't believe he is a man, he kind of resembles Johnny Knoxville from Jackass.
- 6:15p.m. Get another bottle of water ( I must be dehydrated from the 94,000 d
egree heat)
- 6:30p.m. Laugh and poke fun at all the drunks, including Katie's mom Judy, Gary and I are the only sober ones on the whole block.
- 6:55p.m. Spot Dave Silva, who I went to the movies with once when I was 15, say Hi and laugh that he is so grey, he is so old, I couldn't have dated him in high school. (I wonder if he said the same thing when he saw me?)
- 7:15p.m. Eat a brownie, I can cheat today till 8p.m. and I didn't do too bad!
- 7:40p.m. Watch JL climb a tree, no really he did just check out the picture, he is 20.
- 7:45p.m. Plan a ride for tomorrow with Gary and Judy and head home.
- 7:57p.m. Get home and video Jay while he sleeps, it is amazing what he does, just want him to see.
- 8:15p.m. Take sweaty make-up off, yuk!
- 8:40p.m. Check e-mails and blog
- 9:00 Make some tea with honey in it, still haven't had a soda and only 1 coffee a day, (but the 2 times I went to Art-n-Soul Daycare to see my little sister, she made me fabulous lattes so I splurged!)
- 9:30 I am dead, dead I say, oh and sun burnt, and tired, but had a great day!!
- 10:58p.m. Finally finish this blog I am tired!!
Friday, May 16, 2008
Open the vents, here comes the wind!!!!
Thursday, May 15, 2008
I am a little girl at heart.
I am Bubba on the outside.
I am in love with my family and with life.
I am a hard worker and play hard and get down and dirty.
I am clean and pretty,
I am rough and tough.
I am Auntie Beautiful,
I am my mom's best friend.
I am biker trash,
I am full of class.
I am comfortable around you, and you and you.
I am not scared.
I am afraid not to live,
I am not afraid to die.
I am afraid not to love,
I am, look me in the eye.
I am soft, and hard.
I am laughter and tears.
I am not shy.
I am laugh till you cry.
I am dance like nobody is watching.
I am sing like nobody is listening.
I am not letting life pass me by.
I am who I am.
The first class was more informational and we received our supply list which goes as follows:
- Palmer/Pletsch apron for Artists and chefs Pattern (#001) $8
- Fabric for apron (I chose purple and gold for the pocket)
- Construction thread to match or contrast (Gold of course to contrast)
- 60" tape measure
- Seam gauge
- Fine pins with glass heads, 1 3/8"(so you can iron over them and they don't melt)
- Pin cushion or magnetic tray
- Chalk marking pencil-color that will show up on your fabric (I have blue and white....thank you Liz for the heads up!)
- Scissors- 7",8" or 10" work well
- Small scissors with sharp tip
- Seam ripper (I broke my first one, now I have an industrial strength ripper!)
- Pen or Pencil and notepad.
- Clean Finish which is.. Staystitching 1/4" from cut edge. Turn fabric on stitched line and press. Stitch folded edge, using regular stitch length. Used to finish the edge of a facing or hem.
- Directional Staystitching..Single layer of fabric. Regular stitch length, 1/8" inside from finished seam. Use on curved an bias cut edges to keep them from stretching out of shape.
- 5/8" Seam..Use guide on machine throat plate. Press flat then press open. This is most common way of joining two pieces of fabric in garment construction. It is the standard seam allowance width.
- Grading...Trim the layers of seam allowance to different widths so they don't all end at one point. Used to eliminate bulk in seams. Prevents distinct ridge from showing on the right side.
- Understitching.....Press seam. Stitch from right side using regular stitch length. Pull seam allowances to facing side (not garment side) and catch all layers in stitching. Stitch 1/8" from seam. Used to keep seams in place and weight facing to keep it from flipping out.
- Clipping and Notching.....Clip inward curves. Notch outward curves. Pinking shears can be used for notching. Used to eliminate the bulk in seam allowance.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Bubba is weighing in at..............................
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Memoirs of a crazy childhood....Chapter 2
Monday, May 12, 2008
Tales from the Chair Chapter 9

WAY TO GO HANNAH!!!...It still amazes me the way technology works....back in the day, if something was stolen, you would file a police report and hope that they would find it, or sometimes if you were lucky it would show up in a pawn shop......probably 70% of the time, it was gone. My first client told me a story, her name is Mallory and she is married to Josh, who used to be a professional snowmobile racer. He had a sponsor called Team Wicked. Josh keeps his snowmobiles on a trailer at his grandfathers house off of Kings Row in Reno. Last week his grandmother went outside to take the garbage out and came back into the house and asked grandpa if Josh had gone snowmobiling that day because the trailer, which had 3 snowmobiles and all their gear on it, was not there. Well needless to say, no, Josh had not taken it but somebody else had. Josh and Mallory are young and newly married, so you can imagine the financial hardship this would cause them, that it would cause ANYONE. So Mallory sent out messages on My Space and sent out text messages to all her friends and family to let them know it had been stolen, then filed a police report. Enter Little Sister Hannah. Hannah goes to school at McQueen and was not supposed to have her cell phone on, but that day she did and when she got the message from her big sister, she made announcements in every one of her classes that her big sister got her trailer and all her snowmobiles and equipment stolen.
Two days later............Hannah gets a phone call from a girl she goes to school with named Emily.....Emily says, "There is a trailer in the park by my house that fits the description of the trailer your sister got stolen." Hannah calls Mal, Mal says "I am not going to get too excited, but call her back." Hannah calls Emily.....Emily.."Do you want me to walk down and take a look, it's just right down the street?" So Hannah stays on the phone while Emily walks down the street and when she gets there describes the trailer to Hannah....."It has a NorCal sticker on it and a Team Wicked Racing sticker on it..." "THAT'S IT, THAT'S IT!" yells Hannah. So she calls Mallory and Mallory drives over there while Emily stays by the trailer until she gets there. It was Hannah's sister's trailer, and not one thing was missing from it. The trailer was stolen and only missing for 2 days, apparently from what Mallory can gather, because the trailer has a special connection because it is a larger ball that Josh has on his truck, it was probably moving around quite a bit and so they just dumped it. Way to use your resources Mallory and good job Hannah!!!! You guys make a great team, since Hannah is on her way to college I think she should get into journalism or some type of detective style work. Quite impressive you guys, way to go. I asked Mal how she is going to prevent this from happening again? She said they took the tires off of the trailer since they only use it in the winter, so if it happens again it will be quite comical. Let that be a lesson to anyone with a trailer out front, apparently this happens frequently so protect your belongings and if at all possible, maybe you should take the wheels off your trailers as well.
Sunday, May 11, 2008
UPDATE IN 08' (5-11-08)

- Wildhogs 12 times
- Stevi had her first voice lesson
- Jay is at 75 degrees and has been on 2 bike rides
- I have 2 bouquets of fresh flowers, (roses from Jay, mixed from Raleys)
- I got a fabulous Ed Hardy purse for Mothers Day (click on Update in 08)
- On Mothers Day I got Roses, a bag, a veggie omlet and a picnic in the park
- Stevi has an orthodontist appointment in June
- Jack is coming back over on Thursday
- Jayson is cooking my dinner tonight
LOVE JAY ( as interpreted by Lisa)
Saturday, May 10, 2008
The misadventures of a Harley Grandma!!! Chapter 2
What a gorgeous day to ride. Today was a Poker Run that Cat Trimm put together for Operation First Response (Click on Misadventures title)
. It was 77 degrees out today and was even beautiful early in the morning. We started at the Carson Dealership then fueled up to start at the Chevron Gas Station, Bill Dixon was our fearless leader, Mike McGuigan, Me, Jay and Stevi and newer members Keith and Suzy. Our first stop was the Roadhouse Bar and Grill in Minden, then we road through Minden to Woodlands at the Pony Express on the way up the hill to Southlake Tahoe, then we stopped at the Minen Tahoe Airport and onto the South Lake Tahoe dealership. Afterwards Bill, Mike, Keith and Suzy decided to head to the Genoa Bar for a drink and Jay, Stevi and I headed back to the Carson Dealership for the BBQ and our last card. Jay ended up with 3 A's, Stevi had nothing in her hand and I had 2 pairs, 7's and 2's, but when Keith and Suzy came back, they had a full house and won $100. We didn't win during the raffle either, but some new members won a computer service certificate that we really wanted and they were kind enough to give it to Stevi so she can get her computer cleaned out and ready to go......the lady who gave it to us won the $80 color certificate I donated so it looks like I get a new client out of it too.......I should have got her name, but sometimes things get scattered, and I had treated myself to 3 chocolate chip cookies after my burger so I was in a sugar coma, and it literally slipped my mind! I am sure she will call me, who wouldn't use a gift like that in times like these!! Well, I am home and ready to find a recipe and cook a yummy healthy dinner tonight since I ate too many cookies at lunch (not to mention the 2 chocolate donuts I had for breakfast) HEY I have my period, BACK OFF!! Oh Yeah, my handsome boyfriend Bill Dixon won a haircut too, so I hope he comes in to get his ears lowered, he told me AGAIN today, he wants to be my step dad, and asked what size ring my mom wears, I showed him how big the diamond should be, (around the size of a golf ball) and said she wears a LARGE!!! I'm confused, is he flirting with me to get to my mom? I hate it when that happens!!!
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