I'm sorry I have become one of "those" bloggers, I guess it's like missing a day of exercise, all of a sudden you are off the wagon!


can't believe I haven't blogged since October 25th, but I guess so, a lot has happened. If you look at my weekly updates, you can see how many hikes my mom and I have accomplished. We are both getting into incredible shape, the gym has become a second home for both of us and we both started to work out because out clothes were getting uncomfortable. So now since both of us need a belt or our pants will literally fall off of us, I am handing down my pants to her, and pulling all my "skinny" pants out of hiding, some of those are even too big, it's great, I can't afford to buy a new wardrobe so looks like my sewing machine may have to come out. I bought hiking pants and well, they are way too big, but I make them work.
Stevi turned 13 on the 23rd of November and a few of her friends met us at the skating rink, we had a blast, she always chooses such nice kids to hang out with. They say if you don't like your children's friends, then you probably would not like your children when they are out hanging. So that always makes me feel good.
We had the most handsome boy in the world stay with us for a few days over the Thanksgiving Holiday and he was perfect. We took him to go see a movie, which was interesting, we tried to get into Planet 51 which was sold out and ended up seeing A Christmas Carol, not really a children's movie, but when the ghosts were flying thru the air, Jack would say "Weeeeeeeee!" And that kid can eat popcorn like no other, I wonder, when I was pregnant with Jayson I could go through a large at the movies before the previews were done. I guess it is a genetic craving!
I survived Black Friday with my sister and Stevi, only I started at Midnight so I was awake for 33 hrs. Jack, Stevi and Papa let me take a nap for around 4 hours when I got home and then thanks to Jacks hugs and kisses, I was rejuvenated.
And today, Sage and Willow, Liz and my Mom came over and we had a gingerbread house building party as well as gingerbread boys and girls. It was so much fun! The girls did a great job and ate a lot of the decorations but hey , at least I didn't! So all-in-all, I am trying to get back to reality.
Oh Yeah, AND, Stevi was scouted for a travel soccer team, tried out and she made it. Practice starts on Wednesday but the season isn't until February. She is also on an indoor soccer team which just got moved up to competitive level because they were beating the other teams so badly, so we played on Saturday and when we showed up, there were some big boys on the field. We ended up getting beaten for the first time and the score was 29-0, when the boys took off their indoor jerseys, the shirts they had on underneath said "McQueen Highschool Soccer Team" The kicker, most of them drove themselves! It was unreal! They got pretty rough with the boys , excuse me, young men though, I think they were getting pretty frustrated, but they survived, Stevi has some indoor field turf burns on her arms and legs because she went down hard a couple of times, but when she realized who they got beaten by she felt better about it, I mean those boys had facial hair!!!! Geez!