Some names have been changed to protect the innocent.......................
My beautiful Lillybug |
Christmas Eve, 2002 I was at work when I got a frantic call from my 16 year old son Jayson....He was so upset and inconsolable I couldn't understand him for a minute. After he calmed down, he was able to tell me about the girl he had been talking to on MySpace all night, and that she had just gotten kicked out of her house and she didn't know where she was going to sleep. After calming him down, he told me the story of a young sweet girl who was sleeping from friend to friend because her mother had kicked her out and brought her to a half way house to live. She of course at 15 did not want to be put into the system. That day, God blessed me in many ways. One way was that my client at that precise moment was a Social Worker who worked with the Children's Cabinet here in Reno. We put Jayson on speaker phone and then we 3 way called the phone number that Lilly was waiting at. She had no where to go, her father had gone off with a girlfriend to Malta and her Mother had given up. I called my husband Jay and he said..."Do what you need to do to help her..." I then called her Mother who couldn't talk long because she was late for a lunch appointment but promptly gave me her fax number and I sent her forms to notarize to sign over all parental rights to me and Jay. When I asked her what she needed to know about us, her response was ..."I'm sure you're a nice person, I'm late, fax me the paperwork." Jayson went to Christine's office to get the paperwork and bring it to my job and Jay's job for us to sign and within a matter of 4 hours we had full guardianship. Now to get her here. Because of Christmas, we couldn't get her until the 26th so my family postponed Christmas at our house and Jay spent 2 days tearing apart my office while my Mom and I went to Rick's furniture Warehouse to buy her a bed, bedding and essentials. (When she arrived she had a backpack and a Viola) Jay painted her room, we bought a phone to plug into the teen line we had for Jayson and stocked the kids bathroom with girl stuff that we thought she would need. Dec. 26th came and Jay went to pick her up at the airport while my family and I were hitting the after Christmas sales to get her enough presents under the tree to feel like part of the family. I just wanted her to know that she had a home no matter what. Poor girl, can you imagine a shaved bald Harley construction guy with a leather vest picking you up to go to your new home? I had only spoken to her the one time and Jayson had handled most of it. But when I heard that girls voice on the other end, scared and defeated, I knew she needed us. It was and exhausting 48 hours and she took a few days to adapt. After all, Jayson literally found her on MySpace. She lived with us through the rest of her high school years and never gave us any problems, she was a typical teen that had been thrown away from a Mother and Father that were selfish. Her mother said to me at one time "I'm sure you want money for this, but I'm done raising children, it's my turn now." I was dumbfounded. The first time I saw Lilly, I fell in love with her and my family opened their arms to her, my children accepted her as one of us immediately and she squeezed in like she always needed to be with us. Today she is 25 years old and is blessing us with our 2nd Grandchild Stella in March. Stevi and I will be taking a road trip to Tacoma to see her and meet Stella and hopefully Ry her hubby. I love her and miss her everyday now that she is grown up and starting a family of her own. She hasn't spoken to her biological mother in over a year and as much as that probably hurts her, she knows she has a mother out there that will love her forever unconditionally. I love you my Lillybug, Happy Birthday.......
An amazing gift to us... |
What did I get for X-Mas 2002? A 15 year old daughter...
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