Thursday, March 15, 2012

She's not the Fucking Snitch Bitch that turned you in.... I am...

 When a mother steps in, now kids seem to think they are fighting their kids battles.  No just being a mother.   When a mother monitors her daughters Facebook, she's not being nosy, just being a mother.  When a mother goes to another child's house to get closure on a situation, it's not to make things worse, it's being a mother.  When a mother sees her child in pain, and tries to make the pain go away, again, just being a mother.  When a mother stays up all night and goes back and forth from the bedroom to check if her baby, whether a newborn or 15 is still breathing, just being a mother.  When a mother puts her foot down and tries to end the bullying, it's not to make things worse, it's to put an end to the harassment, because I'm just being a mother.  When I am begged to stay out of it and I just can't stand to sit idly and watch her pain any more, it's because I'm just a mother.  When a mother looks for a new home even though she hates moving to make life easier for her child, it's just because she is a mother.  And when a mother finds out how to finally fight fair... she becomes a Mother Fucker.

So to all of you kids who have a right to an education, therefore you are passed from school to school because of those rights regardless of your behavior, know that someday you will finally meet your match.  And for those of you that have tangled with this Mother Fucker, know that I am not your friend, nor am I scared of you or your mouths, for she is not the "Fucking Snitch Bitch" that turned you in, it was just a mother, who is behaving as a mother should.  After all, my child also has the right to an education and your behavior is hindering that by making her life miserable so just know, that I am watching, no matter how small, if you don't stop, your life will become miserable as well...and while we are on that subject, you can thank me for turning in your stupid little Facebook slams regarding my daughter,because it stopped her Daddy from going to your house at 11:00 last night and handling it his way.....which would have been quite ugly all the way around, because he is less scared of you or the consequences defending his daughters honor would bring.  So good luck out there you little heathens , I know who you are, and I am watching you, and I personally do not care what you think, say or feel about me.....You mean nothing to me.


Unknown said...

Go get em Bubba. Do they know and understand how you got that nickname? They are certainly barking up the WRONG tree. I'm so glad I am on your good side.

Tammie Jennings said...

Good for you!! I am right there with you!!!! Some souls are gentle and sweet and people this is an asset and a blessing. There is nothing harder than for a mother to have to bear witness to their child's pain. Being a mother means you fight for your children whenever possible.