Monday, February 20, 2012

My 15 hour vacation from the world.....

As I fall into the slumber of comfortable sleep
the sun starts to kiss my face like a forgotten lover
I groan and snuggle towards the warmth like a baby to a mother.

My body gives in to the comfort of the night
I surrender completely forgetting the day
and what tomorrow may bring.

A soft breeze caresses my face as I fight to stay awake
worried I may miss something
and am lulled into a zone of complete nothingness.

I forget the day, the week, the month
I must be smiling as my eyes are closed
happiness surrounds me.

Like a mothers love
whispers of encouragement surround me
saying tomorrow is a new day.

 I smile and open my eyes
as I look around my room, I am home
For 15 hours I was in paradise.

1 comment:

Elaine said...

Lisa, you amaze me.